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The holidays are a magical time of the year, full of joy, celebrations, and the perfect moments for love to flourish. In the wedding industry, we affectionately refer to this period as “engagement season.” So, if you’re one of the lucky couples who got engaged over the holidays, congratulations! This marks the beginning of an exciting journey towards your special day and we can’t wait to be a part of it.

At The Stylish Bride, our primary goal is to empower you, the bride-to-be, ensuring that you feel your absolute best on your wedding day. This empowerment extends from helping you discover your unique style, navigate fashion emergencies on the big day, and make informed decisions throughout your wedding planning journey. So, with this in mind, here is our guide to what to do after getting engaged!

Setting the Stage for the Year Ahead

As the calendar soon flips to January, it often feels like a fresh start – a chance to embrace new beginnings and resolutions, especially if you are a newly engaged bride! This phase in your life is undoubtedly a mix of emotions, including joy, excitement, and perhaps a bit of confusion. There’s often a societal expectation that everything should be picture-perfect and blissful during this time. However, we understand that there can be challenges along the way, and we’ve addressed many of these with many of our clients. Let us clear some of the way for you!

The First Step: Celebrate and Share the News!

Before diving into wedding planning, take some time to savor the joy of your engagement. Celebrate with family and friends, and consider throwing an engagement party or an intimate dinner to share the wonderful news. Remember that announcing your engagement should be done at your own pace and in a way that feels comfortable to you. Once you’ve had a chance to bask in the happiness, it’s time to start thinking about the wedding.

The Next Step: Hire a Wedding Planner

One of the most frequently asked questions, especially from a fashion perspective, is, “What should a bride do first after getting engaged?” While there are numerous ways to approach this question, we believe the initial step doesn’t necessarily revolve around fashion. Instead, the very first thing a bride should consider is hiring a great wedding planner or assembling the right support team.

Even if you’re planning a smaller wedding and think you can handle it on your own, having an expert by your side can save you time, money, and reduce anxiety. Wedding planners, whether they are seasoned professionals or newer to the industry, can provide invaluable assistance that ensures your journey is as smooth as possible. The peace of mind and expertise they bring to the table is priceless.

Setting the Details and Location: A Crucial Step Before Dress Shopping

Once you have an idea of your budget, guest list, and preferred wedding style it’s time to start researching potential wedding venues. Visit venues that align with your vision, and consider factors like location, capacity, and available dates. Booking your venue early is crucial, as popular locations tend to get reserved quickly.

From a fashion perspective, it’s crucial to set the details and location before you dive into wedding dress shopping. Think of this as a crash course in what to know before you embark on the dress-shopping journey. Since most newly engaged brides haven’t been married before, we’ve curated best practices and insights gained from countless wedding dress appointments over the years. Here are some of our top resources:

  • In our blog, What to Expect When Wedding Dress Shopping and How to Make the Most of Appointments, we guide you on how to work with your consultant, what to expect in bridal stores, what consultants can and can’t do for you, and how to handle different situations. Sometimes, you’ll encounter a consultant who perfectly understands your vision, while other times, it might not be a perfect match.
  • We’ve also put together A Guide to Wedding Dress Shopping and Planning for newly engaged brides!
  • Download our Fashion Timeline Guide: 14-month Countdown to see the steps to follow for putting your wedding look together. Click the link below!
If you have any questions or need further guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out.
You can connect with us at hello@thestylishbride.com